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Bikes for Kids Burbank - Adrianos Facchetti Law

About the Program

As a way to give back and promote bicycle safety, the Law Offices of Adrianos Facchetti is excited to announce our 3rd Annual Bike Giveaway! This summer, we will be giving away 10 FREE bikes for deserving kids who live within 10 miles of our Burbank office!

Nominate a special child in your life today!

Nomination Period starts on July 5, 2024    |     Winners will be announced starting on July 26, 2024

Do you know a special child aged 6 to 17 who goes above and beyond to do something nice for someone else? Or who positively impacts their siblings, classmates, or community? We want to reward these exceptional kids with a brand-new bike, helmet and t-shirt! Nominate a child who you believe deserves this special recognition. Share their story and let us know why they stand out.

Previous Bikes for Kids Burbank Giveaway Winners